Uniting civil society: Improving joint responses for security and peace

This briefing outlines some of the obstacles and challenges that civil society faces in Tajikistan, and makes the case for a more united and coordinated ‘third sector’ that can better address community security and safety concerns across the country.

Over the last two decades, civil society organisations in Tajikistan have largely been side-lined by the government – especially those that work on peace and security issues. Improved coordination and cooperation between those working on peace and security could help overcome some of the obstacles civil society faces.

To work towards this goal in 2018 Saferworld established the Civil Society Platform which focuses on improving security responses. Made up of 30 organisations, the platform aims to unite civil society, build knowledge and skills to enable members to work on peace and security, provide financial support and mentorship, and lobby national and international governments and experts to provide a conducive environment for policy debate and public input.

Download the briefing here.

Learn more about our work in Tajikistan here.