The Belt and Road Initiative in conflict states: a view from civil society

On 4 March 2021, the Shanghai Institutes of International Studies (SIIS), Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF) and Saferworld held an online workshop to discuss a recent report – published by the PRIF and Saferworld – that illustrates the complex relationships between China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) investments and conflict dynamics.

The workshop was hosted by the SIIS and featured Chinese, national and international experts, and civil society representatives from Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar and Uganda – where we conducted the research on BRI’s implications in conflict-affected states. This workshop aimed to complement the report and focused on investigating BRI’s effects on different regions of the world.

The network created at the workshop will serve as a joint platform to examine topics related to the BRI and conflict, to host follow-up events and to engage other partners in future dialogue processes.

A more detailed summary of the workshop can be found here and a Chinese version of the summary here

Read about our work in China.