Small arms and light weapons transfer controls to prevent diversion

The UN Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons (PoA), agreed in 2001, remains the key international agreement on the illicit trade in, and misuse of, SALW. The PoA is a vital instrument for addressing the urgent problems relating to SALW which cause thousands of deaths each week, hinder development, and undermine human rights and good governance across the world. These problems are often the result of SALW getting into the wrong hands because there are insufficient controls to prevent the diversion of transfers from their intended destination. This report by Biting the Bullet - a joint project involving International Alert, Saferworld and University of Bradford - provides an up-to-date analysis of existing tools to prevent diversion of SALW and a review of states' progress towards implementing key PoA commitments in this area. Highlighting the next steps necessary to prevent diversion of SALW transfers, this report provides valuable policy recommendations to inform the 2008 Biennial Meeting of States which will consider implementation of the PoA seven years after its creation.