Photo credit: GMB Akash/Panos/Saferworld
Photo credit: GMB Akash/Panos/Saferworld

Conflict and gender sensitivity

Conflicts often revolve around competition for power, status or resources. Well-intentioned aid and investment can influence conflict by bringing new resources and incentives into play. More subtly, they can reinforce and disrupt established cultural norms, hierarchies and authorities in ways that can either reduce or fuel pre-existing tensions.

These impacts are experienced differently by women, men, girls and boys. It is integral that donors or organisations who engage with conflict-affected contexts fully understand these potential impacts and respond to the effects of their interactions in the area, including gender dynamics.

Our work

We work with governments, United Nations agencies, donors, companies, humanitarian organisations, civil society organisations and communities to help ensure their projects or investments put the people they impact the most in the driving seat. Our goal is for these projects and investments to contribute to long-term peace and development rather than increase pre-existing tensions and inequalities. 

How we promote conflict and gender sensitivity


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