Photo credit: Alex Kay Potter/Saferworld
Photo credit: Alex Kay Potter/Saferworld

Youth, peace and security

Saferworld works with youth-led organisations, such as Youth Without Borders and Resonate! Yemen, to support young people in their peacebuilding work. We strengthen their employment and entrepreneurship skills, support business start-ups, and create opportunities for networking and joint advocacy on youth policies. 

We have provided small grants to support local youth activities, such as interactive theatre performances and short films and songs promoting peace, and we have helped young people to communicate with national and international audiences through social media campaigns. We also designed and created an innovative remote peacebuilding course for youth activists using WhatsApp. Through WhatsApp – the most commonly used mobile platform in Yemen – more than 100 young people from a variety of geographical and political backgrounds learnt about personal resilience, collective memory, understanding each other’s context, action planning and practical skills to support peacebuilding.  

Our work continues to support young men and women to bring their voices and communicate their views to wider audiences, learn from each other’s experiences, and bridge conflict divides.